USPS Updates Accident Reporting Demands

Two weeks after informing carriers of a new accident reporting mandate, the Postal Service has clarified its instructions. 

All serious accidents or injuries must be reported within 24 hours, according to a March 24 email from Keith Harris, director of surface transportation CMC. This means that any incident ending in a fatality, injury requiring hospital care or excessive vehicle or property damage. 

The email also notes that dock operations accidents should be reported, as well.  

Additionally, carriers must send an email reporting incidents to the following people: 

The email didn’t mince words about what transgressions entail: “failure to report any serious accident/injury in the manner described above may be grounds for contract termination.” 

Harris’ email also reminded suppliers that they must notify their contracting officer of any safety rating change within five business days of receiving notice, and that suppliers must be available to USPS at all times. 

Suppliers are also required to provide at least one point of contact who is reachable 24/7 to the PNT contracting officer at, the email added.