National Diesel Price Stays Exactly the Same

The country’s average diesel price didn’t change at all this past week, holding at $4.109. 

While the overall number was unchanged, specific regional prices were a mixed bag for the week ending Feb. 19, according to an Energy Information Administration report

The Rocky Mountain region was hit by the week’s largest increase — 15.2 cents — driving the average up to $3.957. The other area with raised prices was the East Coast, where the per-gallon price is now $4.24 after a 3.9-cent increase. 

In the Midwest, fleets paid around 3.2 cents less per gallon, with the average falling to $4.01. 

On the Gulf Coast, prices fell 2.1 cents to an average price of $3.844. The West Coast’s per-gallon price dipped less than one cent to $4.721. 

Overall, the price of diesel is 26.7 cents cheaper than a year ago at this time.