EPA Sets Waivers Hearing on Advanced Clean Fleets

California’s hotly contested rule phasing out diesel engines will get a hearing before the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in August.

In a July 12 Federal Register notice, the EPA announced it will hold a public hearing Aug. 14 to consider two waivers for the state’s Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) rule.

Because the ACF — which mandates phased in zero-emission vehicles for certain fleets operating in California — deviates from EPA requirements, the state required an EPA waiver to proceed.

The EPA previously granted a waiver in 2023 for parts of ACF to the California Air Resource Board (CARB), which oversees the effort. Now, the board is seeking two additional waivers.

“CARB requests that EPA grant a new waiver for the ACF on-road regulatory program,” the notice states. “CARB also requests that EPA grant a new authorization for the ACF off-road regulatory program.”

The ACF is already the target of multiple lawsuits, including one filed in May by 16 states.